Recruitment and Latest Job Vacancies in Nigeria

List of Candidates Shortlisted for the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School Batch 36 Recruitment Examination

Are you one of the hopefuls who've been anxiously awaiting the results of the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School (NNBTS) Batch 36 online registration? Wondering if your name has made the cut for the recruitment examination? The wait is finally over as the Nigerian Navy has officially published the list of successful candidates. This is your chance to see if you're on the path to becoming part of Nigeria's naval defence force.

Join the Polaris Bank Graduate Intensive Training Program 2024 for Aspiring Banking Leaders

Are you on the lookout for an extraordinary opportunity to jumpstart your career in the banking sector? Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a dynamic banker in today's digital age? Look no further than the Polaris Bank Graduate Intensive Training Program 2024. Designed to mould fresh talents into innovative leaders of the 21st century, this program promises an accelerated growth path and a chance to make your mark in the banking world.

Launch Your Career with Sterling Bank's Prestigious 2024 Graduate Trainee Program

Are you a recent graduate with a flair for creativity, innovation, and a desire to kickstart an impactful career in Nigeria's banking sector? Sterling Bank's Graduate Trainee Program 2024 is your open door to an environment where dreams take flight, and professional growth is not just encouraged but expected. But what makes this opportunity stand out, and how can it set the foundation for your future?

Unlock Your Future in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Guide to the Baker Hughes Reservoir Technical Services Programme 2024

Curious about starting a career in the dynamic world of oil and gas? Baker Hughes' Reservoir Technical Services Programme 2024 in Port Harcourt could be your launchpad. This full-time role offers more than just employment; it's a journey of learning and growth from day one. Are you a recent graduate in Petroleum Engineering or a related field, looking for an opportunity to apply your skills in real-world scenarios? Do you dream of working in a multi-cultural environment, learning from the best in the industry? Read on to discover how this programme can shape your future.

Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Opens Applications for Diverse Roles in the 2024 Direct Short Service Cadets (DSSC) Programme

Are you a Nigerian citizen, aged between 20 and 30, and aspiring to serve your nation in the Nigerian Air Force? The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is now welcoming applications for the prestigious Direct Short Service Cadets (DSSC) in various professions for its 2024 recruitment. This is your chance to join an elite group of professionals in fields ranging from engineering to medical services. Are you ready to embark on this esteemed journey and make a significant impact?

AIICO Insurance PLC Invites Ambitious Graduates to Join Its Comprehensive Trainee Programme

Are you a recent graduate aiming to make your mark in the insurance industry? AIICO Insurance PLC opens its doors for the AIICO Graduate Trainee Programme, targeting dynamic individuals like you. If you have a 2.1 or 2.2 class of degree and a zeal to excel in departments like Risk Management and Finance, isn't this the perfect opportunity to launch your career? Ready to join a leading team in the insurance sector?

Embark on a Career in Sales and Marketing with the Optimus Bank 2024 Graduate Trainee Programme

Dive into the world of digital banking with Optimus Bank's Graduate Trainee Sales and Marketing Programme 2024. This unique platform is designed for ambitious recent graduates like you, offering a blend of classroom learning and hands-on projects. You’ll develop strategic thinking, communication skills, and innovate solutions under the guidance of industry experts. It's more than just a job; it's an opportunity to challenge the status quo and shape your future in a fast-paced, dynamic industry. Are you eager to make an impact and grow exponentially?

Launch Your Engineering Career with Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company's Young Engineers Program 2024

Are you a recent graduate in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or related power fields, ready to launch your career in the energy sector? Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC) presents the Young Engineers Program 2024 – a stepping stone into the dynamic world of power distribution in Nigeria. This program is not just a job; it's a chance to be at the forefront of technological innovation in Africa's power sector. Are you prepared to embark on an engineering odyssey with global relevance?

Unlock a Future in Power Generation: Discover the 2024 FIPL Entry-Level Engineering Trainee Programme

Imagine embarking on a career journey that sets you apart in the engineering world. The FIPL Entry-Level Engineering Trainee Programme, now open for applications, is the springboard for ambitious young engineers. But why should you consider this opportunity? What skills and traits will you need to succeed? And most importantly, how can this programme shape your future in the power generation industry? Read on to uncover the answers and take the first step towards a remarkable career path.

PwC/EnterpriseNGR Youth of Enterprise’s GreenStart Programme: A Pathway to Enhance Employability in Nigeria

With youth unemployment and underemployment at the forefront of national concerns, the PwC/EnterpriseNGR Youth of Enterprise’s GreenStart Programme emerges as a beacon of hope for Nigerian youth. But what makes this internship programme stand out? How does it aim to prepare you for Nigeria's dynamic labour force? Offering employability skills, mentorship, and practical training, this initiative promises more than just an internship experience. Read on to discover how this program can be a game-changer in your professional development journey.

Union Bank of Nigeria Graduate Trainee Program 2024: A Gateway to a Flourishing Banking Career

The Union Bank Graduate Trainee Program 2024 is not just another job opportunity; it's a career-defining moment for young Nigerian graduates. Do you have what it takes to join one of Nigeria's most respected financial institutions? What are the unique pathways offered, and how do they cater to different interests and skills? From Sales Academy to Tech Bootcamp, this program offers a diverse range of experiences. Read on to discover how Union Bank's program can equip you with the skills, experience, and network to thrive in the competitive world of banking.

Accelerate Your Career in IT with the Nigerian Breweries Graduate Management Development Scheme 2024

Are you a Nigerian graduate with a flair for IT and digital innovation? The Nigerian Breweries Graduate Management Development Scheme 2024 is your stepping stone! Ever dreamt of a dynamic career with Nigeria’s leading brewery? This scheme is not just a job, but a journey to becoming part of a top-class brewing legacy. Ready to transform your aspirations into reality in the exciting world of brewing technology?

Unlock Your Potential: Apply Now for the Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) 28/2024 Recruitment

Are you a dedicated Nigerian seeking a challenging and rewarding career in the Nigerian Army? The Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) 28/2024 recruitment offers a unique opportunity for both civilians and military personnel. What does it entail, who can apply, and what are the various Corps and Services you can join? This comprehensive guide will unveil everything you need to know about the DSSC recruitment process, eligibility criteria, and application methods for a transformative career path in the Nigerian Army.

Comprehensive Guide to Federal Fire Service Recruitment 2024: Opportunities, Requirements, and Application Process

Are you ready to embark on a career that's both challenging and rewarding? The Federal Fire Service (FFS) opens its doors for recruitment, offering a variety of positions in the firefighting sector. With vacancies spanning from inspectorate to assistant cadres, have you got what it takes to join the ranks of these brave heroes? Dive into the details of what's required and how to apply – your opportunity to make a difference is just a click away.

Nigerian Navy Recruitment 2024: Batch 36 Basic Training School Openings

Are you ready to embark on an adventurous career with the Nigerian Navy? The Nigerian Navy has announced the commencement of its Batch 36 Recruitment Exercise for the Basic Training School (NNBTS), starting on 2nd January 2024. Have you got what it takes to join the ranks and serve your nation with pride? Find out how you can apply and the qualifications required to be part of this esteemed institution.

Interswitch Group's Job Shadowing Program 2023: A Golden Ticket to the Tech Industry

nterswitch Group, a trailblazer in Africa's digital payment landscape, is inviting tech enthusiasts and professionals to participate in its Job Shadowing Program for 2023. This is more than just a learning opportunity; it's a chance to immerse yourself in a tech environment, collaborate with experts, and possibly secure a role in a thriving company. If you're looking to pivot your career or accelerate in tech, explore the details of how you can get hands-on experience across various dynamic tracks at Interswitch.

American University of Nigeria Opens Young American G.A. Program for Aspiring Graduate Students

Are you an early-career U.S. citizen with a yearning to make a meaningful difference in an academic setting abroad? Have you considered the prospect of nurturing your professional path while contributing to the lively campus life of the American University of Nigeria? If the Master of Science in Communications for Social and Behavioral Change aligns with your aspirations, why not join AUN's Young American G.A. Program in Yola?

Launch a Stellar Career with Ecobank Nigeria's Entry Level Development Programme 2023

Have you recently graduated and are under 24, brimming with ambition and ready to kick-start your career in the banking sector? Ecobank Nigeria's ELDP for 2023 is scouting for individuals like you—eager, young talents with a minimum of a 2:2. Could this be the golden ticket to your professional development, offering a plethora of opportunities to learn, grow, and excel?