Akwa Ibom Poly Implements a Ban on Post-Exam Celebrations
Have you heard about the recent directive from Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic? What could prompt the management to ban post-examination celebrations? And why is reckless driving now under scrutiny? Dive in to understand the reasons behind these significant decisions affecting student life.
Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene – In a recent move by the Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic authorities, there has been a significant change to the campus regulations. This development is primarily centred on student conduct, particularly during the post-examination period.
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A Concerning Trend on Campus
Management has recently noted with concern a growing trend amongst the student population. Many have been indulging in unwarranted celebrations and what can only be described as reckless driving on campus grounds following their final examinations. This type of behaviour has been deemed not only disruptive but also potentially dangerous.
Addressing Recklessness
The institution’s management is strongly opposed to this evident display of recklessness. Such acts, they believe, disrupt the peace and tranquillity that an educational institution should ideally maintain. These unruly behaviours are not in line with the academic standards and decorum that the Polytechnic wishes to uphold.
The New Directive
As a result of these observations, the official decision is clear: post-examination celebrations and any form of reckless driving are now strictly prohibited on campus. This ban is not just a mere suggestion but is to be enforced with immediate effect.
Security Measures in Place
Security personnel at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are now mandated to enforce this new directive rigorously. They have clear instructions to identify and report any individual who does not adhere to these rules. Such defaulters can expect to face appropriate disciplinary actions for their misconduct.
A Word from the Registrar’s Office
The circular, which was released on the 26th of October 2023, was signed by the Acting Registrar, Mr. Godswill E. Udofah. He urges students to understand the reasons behind this decision and to be guided accordingly. The broader campus community, including various departments, heads of units, and the student union government, have been informed of this directive.
In closing, while celebrations and jubilations are understandable, it’s essential to remember the broader context and environment. Safety, respect, and maintaining the institutional reputation are of the utmost importance. The hope is that students will understand the gravity of the situation and act responsibly in the future.
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