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ANSPOLY Resumption Date for 2019/2020 Session

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Anambra State Polytechnic, ANSPOLY resumption date for the continuation of academic activities for the 2019/2020 academic session.

ANSPOLY resumption date

The management of the Anambra State Polytechnic (ANSPOLY) has announced the date for the resumption of academic activities for the continuation of 2019/2020 academic session.

ANSPOLY Resumption Date

Arising from directives from the Federal Government on reopening of schools, I am directed to inform you that the Anambra State Polytechnic Mgbakwu will now resume formally on Monday, 18th January 2021.

All Returning Students must observe all the Covid -19 Pandemic Protocols especially the wearing of face mask, social/physical distancing, use of sanitiser and constant washing of hands with liquid soap for at least 20secs, as well as ensure the use of the Covid-19 prevention materials provided by the Polytechnic.

*Please Note:*

1. Each student is advised and expected to return with at least three (3) face masks for personal use.

2. All students are advised and directed to present themselves for temperature checks and other checks at the Entrance Gate and other checkpoints.

3. All students living on campus are to report to the office of the Dean, Students Affairs before checking into their respective rooms.

4. Observance of all the COVID-19 Pandemic Protocols in/at all places in the Polytechnic is compulsory to all members of the ANSPOLY Communities including Staff and Students and as well to all visitors.

5. Report any observations and/or cases or make suggestions to the ANSPOLY Task Force on COVID-19 Pandemic.