
Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2020 for Students

Entries are invited from students ages 13 to 18 from countries across the globe for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2020. The deadline for the submission of entries is 25th June, 2020.

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

For the young science enthusiast thinking about taking the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, you could inspire the world AND win amazing prizes – including a $250,000 scholarship!

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual global competition for students to inspire creative thinking about science. Students ages 13 to 18 from countries across the globe are invited to create and submit original videos (3:00 minutes in length maximum) that bring to life a concept or theory in the life sciences, physics, mathematics or the science of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, there is an additional COVID-19 category. The submissions are judged on the student’s ability to communicate complex scientific ideas in engaging, illuminating, and imaginative ways. The Challenge is organized by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation.

The Breakthrough Prize was created to honor important advancements in the categories of Fundamental Physics, Life Sciences and Mathematics. The Breakthrough Prizes are sponsored by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Pony Ma, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne Wojcicki. The Breakthrough Prize aims to celebrate the best scientific work and inspire the next generation of scientists.

Breakthrough Junior Challenge.

To take part in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge (the “Challenge”), create a short video (3:00 minutes max) to explain a big idea in one of these fields:

Breakthrough Junior Challenge Eligibility.

Breakthrough Junior Challenge Prizes.

If your video is chosen as the Winner, you will receive:

The Winner will be required to attend an award ceremony scheduled in November 2020 (date to be announced).

Breakthrough Junior Challenge Criteria.

Your video will be judged according to the following criteria:

How to Enter Breakthrough Junior Challenge.

Make a 3-minute video explaining a big idea in life sciences, physics, mathematics or the science of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your film can take any form you like: animation, talking head, documentary, dramatic reconstruction, whatever. It’s worth keeping in mind that video is a dynamic visual medium – using diagrams, simulations, physical demonstrations etc. is a lot more effective than standing in front of a blackboard talking.

Your video must be 3:00 minutes in length or shorter to qualify for the Challenge. Please check the time on the YouTube counter to make sure your video is 3:00 minutes or under.

Applications close June 25 at 11:59 PM (PDT).

Olusegun Fapohunda

Meet The Author

This post is authored by , the founder and editor of MySchoolGist.

Boasting over a decade of expertise in the education sector, Olusegun offers current insights into educational trends, career opportunities, and the latest news.

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