
Cascador Program 2020 for Mid-stage Entrepreneurs

Cascador is now accepting applications for mid-stage Nigerian Entrepreneurs or its 2020 program to be held in Lagos, Nigeria from November 9th – 13th. The deadline for the submission of applications for the Cascador Program is 30th August, 2020.

Cascador Program

 The Cascador Program is an intensive, in-depth examination of your interpersonal skills and business plans. The program will be held on the Lagos Business School campus from November 9 to 13, 2020. Cascador’s mission is to help mid-stage entrepreneurs grow their businesses by working with successful American and Nigerian entrepreneurs.

The process begins prior to the on-site program and continues for six months afterward.

Cascador Program Outline.

The program will focus on you and your business, with personal interviews and reviews. Daily topics include:​

Cascador Program Eligibility.

How to Apply for Cascador Program.

At this time, they are planning for an in-person program if it can be done safely. If that is not possible, then the program will be virtual.

Please contact apply@cascador.org if you have questions about applying to Cascador 2020.

Apply Here Official Link