
DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship 2021

Applications are invited from suitably qualified nationals of African Countries for the DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship 2021. The deadline for the submission of applications is 15th February 2021.

DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship

The DAAD climapAfrica program in cooperation with the climate competence centres SASSCAL and WASCAL aims to foster application-oriented research results to tackle climate change in southern and western Africa.

The program funds postdoctoral research projects and offers a platform for collaboration in thematic working groups composed of postdoctoral fellows and African alumni of German funding initiatives with expertise in the field of climate research.

Fellows and Alumni experts will increase their research impact and output through a comprehensive training and support program, including general skills training, science policy advising and science management. The working groups serve as a platform to connect with peers, regional and international experts and practitioners and to build a growing professional network across Africa.

DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship Eligibility.

DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship Benefits.

The basic fellowship consists of:

Additionally, support for the following activities can be granted (subject to availability of funds):

DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship Selection Criteria.

Applications will be reviewed by an independent selection committee consisting of experts in the relevant fields.

The performance-based assessment will consider:

How to Apply for DAAD climapAfrica PostDoc Fellowship.

The funding of the 4th scholarship cohort will start on July 1, 2021, and end on January 31, 2023, and is limited for a maximum of 18 months.

Apply Here Official Link