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Federal Poly Offa IJMB Admission Form 2022/2023

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Federal Polytechnic, Offa (OFFAPOLY) has commenced the sale of application forms for admission into its Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme for the 2022/2023 academic session. See the subject combinations, requirements and how to apply for Offa Poly IJMB admission form below.

Federal Polytechnic Offa IJMB Admission Form

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Federal Polytechnic, Offa (OFFAPOLY) Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Federal Poly Offa IJMB Subject Combination & Possible Undergraduate Courses

Note to Phone users: for better viewing with a phone, swipe left to see all the details in the table below:

001 O/L English only  
002 O/L Maths only  
003 O/L English and Maths  
004 Acct, Bus, Mgt, A/L Maths Acct; Bus; Admin; Public Admin, Banking and finance, Marketing
005 Acct, Bus, Mgt, Econs Acct; Bus; Admin; Econs, Banking and Finance, Marketing
006 Acct; Bus; Mgt; Geog Acct; Bus Admin; Public Admin, Banking and finance, Marketing
007 Acct; Bus; Mgt; Gov Acct; Bus Admin; Public Admin, Banking and finance, Marketing
008 Acct; Bus; Mgt; Sociol Acct; Bus Admin; Sociol, Public Admin, BAF, Marketing
009 Acct; Econs; Geog Acct; Bus Admin; Econs, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg Plan
010 Acct; Econs; Geog Acct; Bus Admin; Econs, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg Plan
011 Acct; Econs; Gov Acct; Bus Admin; Econs, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Mass Comm
012 Acct; Econs; Sociol Acct; Bus Admin; Econs; Sociol, Public Admin, Banking and Finance
013 Acct; Geog; A/L Maths Acct; Bus Admin; Geog, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg Plan
014 Acct; Geog; Govt Acct; Bus Admin; Geog, Public Admin, Banking and finance, Marketing
015 Acct; Geog; Sociol Acct; Bus Admin; Sociol; Mass Com, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing
016 Acct; Govt; A/L Maths Acct; Bus Admin; Public Admin, Banking and finance, Marketing
017 Acct; Govt; Sociol Acct; Bus Admin; Sociol; Pol Sci; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Mass Com, Banking and Finance, Marketing
018 Arabic; French; CRS Single Honours
019 Arabic; French; IS Single Honours
020 Arabic; Govt; Hausa Pol Sci; Inter Studies; Mass Com; Single Honours
021 Arabic; Govt; Isl.St Pol Sci; Inter Studies; Mass Com; Single Honours
022 Arabic; Hausa; Hist Archaeology (ABU); Mass Com; Pol Sci; InterStudies, Single honours
023 Arabic; Hausa; Isl.St Single Honours
024 Arabic; Hausa; Lit Law, Single honours
025 Arabic; Hist; Isl.St Law, Pol.Sci, Inter Studies, Archeology, Singlehonours
026 Arabic; Hist; Lit Single Honours; Law, Mass Comm, Pol. Sci, InterStudies, Archeology
027 Biol; Chem; A/L Maths Medicine, Vet, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochem, Microbiology, Agricultural Science, Text Sc, Singlehonours
028 Biol; Chem; Geog Agric Sci, Archaeology, Biochem, Mirco biology, Physiology, Single honours
029 Biol; Chem; Geol Single Honours in any of the three subjects, Biochem, Microbiology, Text Sci, Physiology, AgricSci, Archaeology
030 Biol; Chem; Physics Medicine,Vet Medicine; Agric Sci; Engineering; Texile Science and Technology; Pharmacy, Biochem, Geophysics, Agric. Sci; Archaeology, Microbio, Single honours
031 Bus Mgt; Econs; A/L Maths Bus. Admin; Econs, Acct, Urban Reg Plan, Bankingand Finance, Marketing
032 Bus Mgt; Econs; Geog Bus. Admin; Econs, Acct, Urban Reg Plan, Banking and Finance, Marketing
033 Bus Mgt; Econs; Govt Bus. Admin; Pol. Sci; Inter. Studies,Public Admin; Econs; Mass Com, Acct, Banking and Finance,Marketing
034 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Sociol Bus.Admin; Single Honours, Acct, Public Admin,Banking and Finance
035 Bus Mgt; Geog; A/L Maths Bus Admin; Environmental Sciences, Acct, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing
036 Bus Mgt; Geog; Govt Public Admin; Bus Admin, Acct, Banking andFinance, Marketing
037 Bus Mgt; Geog; Sociol Bus Admin; Sociol; Marketing, Acct, Banking andFinance, Public Admin
038 Bus Mgt; Govt; Sociol Bus Admin; Public Admin; Sociol; Pol. Sci; Inter. Studies, Marketing, Acct, Banking and Finance
039 Chem; Geog; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sci; Archaeology, Text Sc,Single Honours
040 Chem; Geog; Physics Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sci; Archaeology, Text Sc,Single Honours
041 Chem; Geol; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sci; Archaeology, Text Sc,
042 Chem; Geol; Physics Envl Sc, Engr; Agric Sc; Archaeology, Text Sc, SingleHonours
043 Chem; Physics; A/L Maths Engr; Envl Sc; Text Sc;Comp Sc; Agric Sc ience,Geophysics, Single Honours
044 CRS; Govt; Hausa Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin; Mass Com
045 CRS; Govt; Lit Single Honours; Law; B.Sc; Public Admin; Pol Sc;Inter Studies, Mass Comm
046 CRS; Hausa; Hist Single Honours; Archaeology (ABU); Pol Sc; PublicAdmin; Inter Studies; Mass Com
047 CRS; Hausa; Lit Single Honours; Law
048 CRS; Hist; Lit Single Honours; Law; Mass Com; Pol Sci; InterStudies, Archaeology
049 Econs; Geog; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Urban Reg Plan;Single Honours, Acct, Banking and Finance, Public Admin, Marketing
50 Econs; Geog; Govt Urban Reg Plan; Acct, Public Admin, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Mass Comm, Single Honours
051 Econs; Geog; Sociol Urban Reg Plan; Single Honours in all three subject, Acct, Public Admin, Banking and Finance
052 Econs; Govt; A/L Maths Public Admin; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Econs; MassCom, Acct, Bus Admin, Single Honours
053 Econs; Govt; Sociol Econs; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Sociol; Mass Com, Acct, Banking and Finance, SingleHonours
054 French; Govt; CRS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin
055 French; Govt; IS Single Honours; PolSc; Inter Studies; Public Admin
056 French; Hausa; Lit Single Honours; Law, Mass Comm
057 French; Hist; CRS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin, Archaeology
058 French; Hist; IS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin, Archaeology
-59 French; Hist;Lit Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin; Law; Archaeology, Mass Comm
060 Geog; GOVT; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Geog; Public Admin
061 Geog; Govt; Sociol Urban Reg Plan; Sociol; Public Admin; Pol Sc;Geog; Inter Studies
062 Geog; Hist; Sociol Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin; Sociol
063 Geog; Physics; A/L Maths Single Honours; Envl Sc; Engr (Not ChemicalEngr); Comp Sci
064 Geol; Physics; A/L Maths Single Honours; Envl Sc; Engr; Archaeology(Ibadan), Comp Sci
065 Govt; Hausa; IS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin
066 Govt; IS; Lit Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin; Law, Archaeology, Mass Comm
067 Hausa; Hist; Lit Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; PublicAdmin; Law, Archaeology, Mass Comm
068 Hausa; IS; Hist Single Honours; Public Admin; Pol Sc; Inter Studies
069 Hausa; IS; Lit Single Honours; Law
070 Hist; IS; Lit Single Honours; Inter Studies; Public Admin; PolSc; Mass Com; Law; Archaeology
071 Sociol; Arabic; Lit Single Honours; Law; Mass Comm
072 Sociol; French; Lit Single Honours; Law; Mass Comm
073 Sociol; Hausa; Lit Single Honours; Law; Mass Comm
074 Sociol; Yourba; Lit Single Honours; LLB Law; B.Sc. Sociol
075 Yourba; French; CRS Single Honours
076 Yourba; French; IS Single Honours
077 Yoruba; CRS; Govt Single Honours; Public Admin; Pol Sc; Inter Studies
078 Yoruba; CRS; Lit Single Honours; Law
079 Yoruba ; Govt; Lit Single Honours; Law; Inter Studies; Public Admin;Pol Sci; Mass Com
080 Yoruba ; IS; Govt Single Honours; Mass Com; Pol Sc; Public Admin;Inter Studies
081 Yoruba; IS; Lit Single Honours; Law

How to Apply for Offa Poly IJMB Admission Form

The application fee is N10,000.00 Naira only.

Follow the steps below to apply;

This year application for admission will close on Monday, December 12, 2022.