Getty Foundation Scholar Grants 2023 for Researchers

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Getty Foundation is now accepting applications from researchers of all nationalities for its 2023 Scholar Grants. The deadline for the submission of applications for the Getty Foundation Scholar Grants is October 3, 2022.

Getty Foundation Scholar Grants

The Getty Scholar Grants are for eminent scholars or those who have achieved distinction in their respective fields.

Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free of work-related obligations, use Getty collections, participate in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme or the African American Art History Initiative, and contribute to the Getty’s intellectual life.

Getty Foundation Scholar Grants Eligibility

Getty Foundation Scholar Grants Benefits

Getty Scholars may be in residence from three to nine months:

AAAHI and PRW Research Project Scholarships are limited to nine-month residency terms, and are granted $65,000 stipends.

Getty Foundation Scholar Grants Evaluation Criteria

Getty Scholar Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are evaluated based on the following:

How to Apply for Getty Foundation Scholar Grants

Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Getty Scholar grant application form, along with the attachments described below, by the deadline.

Apply Here Official Link