
IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition 2021

Entries are invited from young people 18–35 years old for the USAID-funded Youth Excel program. The deadline for the submission of entries for the IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition is 2nd February 2021.

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition

Design a logo for the USAID-funded Youth Excel program and win an iPad mini if your logo is selected. This competition aims to challenge youth and youth-led organizations to capture the identity, vision and purpose of Youth Excel project by designing a logo that represents its target group.

The goal is to generate a logo design for Youth Excel that can be used online (social media, websites, email etc.) and offline (collaterals, visibility items etc.) and other communications platforms.

Youth Excel is a five-year program funded by USAID and implemented by IREX and its “Our Knowledge, Leading Change” consortium. It is a global program that will empower young people and youth organizations to use implementation research to strengthen local, national, and global development solutions.

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Eligibility

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Prizes

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Criteria

How to Apply for IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition

You will be required to submit your logo design, your contact details, and a written description of the logo’s features and meaning.

Official Link