
Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge 2020

Applications are invited from organisations that are driven by the desire to create meaningful change in the lives of women and girls for the Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge 2020. The deadline for the submission of applications is 24th July, 2020.

Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge

The challenge seeks solution that addresses how we might use innovation to enable transformation in the lives of women and girls.

Each day, women and girls in the developing world experience immense injustice. Injustice that limits their agency and their capacity to flourish as individuals and thrive within their communities.

The KIT Impact Challenge is open to organisations that are driven by the desire to create meaningful change in the lives of women and girls. If your team has an initiative that positively impacts health, education or livelihoods opportunities, then they would love to hear from you!

Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge Eligibility.

Open to solutions that are

They are looking for teams that are:

Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge Benefits.

The winners of the challenge will receive:

How to Apply for Know Innovate Transform (KIT) Impact Challenge.

Draft submissions cannot be saved. Take time to consider the following before completing the form:

Apply Here Official Link