Kwara Poly Admission Seekers Protest 'No Admision'

Kwara State Polytechnic, KWARAPOLY admission seekers protest non inclusion of names in the admission list.


Scores of Kwara State Polytechnic admission seekers barricaded the gate to the polytechnic over non-inclusion of their names in the 2014/2015 admission at the institution.

See: Kwara Poly Admission List.

The protesters,  prevented vehicular and human traffic around the area while they sang war songs. They also mounted road blocks on the Ilorin-Jebba highway in front of the gate, obstructing traffic on the busy road.

The police, the State Security Service (SSS) and the institution’s security intervened, which forestalled a bloody incident.

A statement by the school’s Deputy Registrar (Information and Publications Division), Moshood Amuda, urged parents, guardians, applicants and the public to bear with the management.

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