McPherson University 2024 Scholarship: Requirements and Application

Looking for a full scholarship? McPherson University offers a 2024 Full Scholarship Programme for students in Ajebo and Ogunmakin. This blog post covers eligibility, requirements, and the application process. Get the chance to study with a scholarship if you have excellent UTME scores, good academic performance, and financial need. Learn how to apply and what you need to qualify. Read on to secure your future with this great opportunity.

McPherson University Scholarship

The McPherson University (McU) scholarship application for 2024 is now available. McPherson University, renowned for its commitment to community development and academic excellence, is offering full scholarships to eligible candidates from the Ajebo and Ogunmakin areas. This initiative aims to support brilliant but financially challenged students, fostering a brighter future for Nigerian youths.

Information Details
🎓 Scholarship Full
📅 Year 2024
🏫 Location Ajebo, Ogunmakin
📈 Requirement UTME, O’ Level
📝 Apply Online
📞 Contact 08032698955
📜 Eligibility Indigent students
🌟 GPA Minimum 3.5

Scholarship Details and Eligibility

Who Can Apply?

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. UTME Score: You must have written the UTME and achieved an excellent score.
  2. O’ Level/WASSCE/NECO Results: A minimum of five credit passes is required. Candidates awaiting results can also apply.
  3. Academic Performance: Demonstrate excellent performance in secondary school.
  4. Financial Need: You must be financially disadvantaged and provide evidence of this.
  5. Local Indigene: You must be a native of the Ajebo-Ogunmakin area.
  6. Community Attestation: Provide a letter of attestation from a reputable community leader.

Scholarship Continuation Requirements

To maintain the scholarship throughout your study, you must achieve a minimum CGPA of 3.5 each session.

How to Apply

If you meet the eligibility criteria, follow these steps to apply for the McU Full Scholarship Programme:

  1. Click on this application link.
  2. Fill in the required information accurately.
  3. Submit your application and await further instructions.

For more information or enquiries, please contact:

  • Phone: 08032698955 or 08068029630

Seize this opportunity to secure a full scholarship at McPherson University and take a significant step towards achieving your academic and career goals. Apply now and invest in your future.

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