MOUAU Resumption Protocols for Students
Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) resumption protocol for all returning students.
Following the announcement of the date for the resumption of academic activities at the Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) for the completion of the 2019/2020 academic session, the management of the institution also released the resumption protocols for all returning students.
MOUAU Resumption Protocols
It is all our responsibility to help keep our University as safe and healthy as possible. Therefore, in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, each returning student is expected to read the guidelines below and fill the form that can be downloaded from the link provided.
On resumption, every student is expected to:
- Constantly visit the MOUAU Website and Portal to receive information about academic activities and well-being.
- Ensure physical distancing by avoiding all forms of crowding in and around the campus.
- Avoid squatting of students in the hostels to ensure physical distancing.
- Put on a face mask at all times within and outside the University campus. In this regard, each student is to bring at least five (5) sets of washable fabric face masks. Students who can afford medical/surgical face masks are free to come with them.
- Practice good personal hygiene by washing hands as often as possible as well as possessing hand sanitisers for frequent use.
- Come back with an android phone, tablet or laptop for virtual learning.
- Immediately notify the Medical Centre or the Covid-19 Taskforce if he/she exhibits signs or symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, sore throat, fever, chills, muscle or body aches, loss of sense of smell or taste, fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, runny nose, nausea and vomiting.
- Comply with the requirements of the health authorities, including testing if necessary.
- Carry I.D. card all the time for easy identification.
- Discourage visitors to the hostels until further notice.
- Ensure compliance with COVID-19 prevention protocols in their residences (off-campus) and while on campus.
- Resume with some quantity of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc for preventive purposes.
- Have treated malaria before resumption.
- Download and sign an undertaking to abide by these guidelines. Download from this link. Two copies of the completed form should be endorsed by the Head of Department who retains a copy after endorsement.
- In case of emergency, contact the following number: 08165445387
Mrs. Jacinta N. Ogwo-Agu
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