Royal Society University Research Fellowship 2022

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Royal Society University is now accepting applications from outstanding scientists for its 2022 research fellowship. The deadline for the submission of applications for the Royal Society University Research Fellowship is September 6, 2022.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship

This programme is for exceptional scientists in the early stages of their research careers who have the potential to become field leaders.

These long-term fellowships provide the opportunity and independence to undertake cutting-edge scientific research in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland while building an autonomous research career.

Until now, the University Research Fellowship (URF) has been a five-year fellowship with a three-year extension option. Starting with the current round, applicants will be able to submit a research proposal as well as the fees for an eight-year fellowship. Costs for years six through eight will be determined by acceptable progress and completion of a mid-fellowship checkpoint review at the beginning of year four. In addition to the adjustment in fellowship term, the award value has been updated in comparison to prior rounds.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship Eligibility

Research must be within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research and biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics.

Those applying from Ireland (ROI) are funded by Science Foundation Ireland and will need to read the eligibility requirements in the specific scheme notes.

You can apply for this scheme if you:

Royal Society University Research Fellowship Benefits

The scheme provides:

How to Apply for Royal Society University Research Fellowship

The University Research Fellowship scheme is now open to applications. This round will close on September 6, 2022 at 3pm UK time.

Your application will go through the process detailed on the Making a grant application page overseen by one of their five research appointment panels based on your research area.

Apply Here Official Link