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Poly Ibadan Daily Part-Time School Fees Schedule – 2014/15

The Polytechnic Ibadan, POLYIBADAN daily part-time school fees schedule for the 2014/2015 academic session.Update: Poly Ibadan DPP School Fees Payment Deadline – 2014/15.This is to inform all the candidates offered admission into The Polytechnic Ibadan (POLYIBADAN) Daily Part-Time Programmes (DPP) for the 2014/2015 academic session that the authorities of the …

Poly Ibadan DPP School Fees Payment Deadline – 2014/15

The Polytechnic Ibadan, POLYIBADAN Daily Part-Time school fees payment deadline for the 2014/2015 academic session.Following the release of the amount payable as the Polytechnic Ibadan, POLYIBADAN Daily Part-Time School Fees, the authorities of the polytechnic sent out messages to all the successfully admitted students as regards the deadline for the …

Poly Ibadan DPP Freshers Registration Guidelines – 2014/15

The Polytechnic Ibadan, PolyIbadan DPP newly admitted students registration details for the 2014/2015 academic session.Update: Poly Ibadan DPP School Fees Schedule.The Polytechnic Ibadan Daily Part-Time Programme often referred to as POLYIBADN DPP, freshers registration for the 2014/2015 academic session has commenced.Candidates offered provisional admission are to follow the process outlined …

How to Pay Polytechnic Ibadan Acceptance Fee 2014/2015

The Polytechnic Ibadan acceptance fee payment for the 2014/2015 academic session has commenced.This is to inform all the candidates offered provisional admission into the Polytechnic Ibadan (PolyIbadan) for the 2014/2015 academic session that they are required by the school management to pay a non-refundable admission acceptance fee into the institution’s …

No Change of Course at the Polytechnic Ibadan – 2014

Change of Course is not possible at the Polytechnic Ibadan for the 2014/2015 academic session.Update: Polytechnic Ibadan Admission List (ND-FullTime) – 2014/15This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the Polytechnic Ibadan 2014/2015 post UTME screening exercise but don’t meet up with the POLYIBADAN Cut-Off Marks that their …

Poly Ibadan Post UTME Date, Registration Deadline – 2014

The Polytechnic Ibadan post UTME screening exercise date announced and the registration deadline for the 2014/2015 academic session.We are glad to inform all the prospective candidates of the Polytechnic Ibadan that the management of the institution has announced the date for her 2014/2015 academic session Post UTME Computer Based Testing …

Polytechnic Ibadan Expels 6 Students over Involvement in Cultism

The management of the Polytechnic Ibadan released the names of students expelled from the institution over involvement in cult activities.The Registrar of polytechnic Ibadan, Mr Hezekiah Ayodele, has signed a statement on behalf of the management that indicates the expulsion of six students from the institution over their involvement in …

Ibadan Poly Students Protest Against ‘Unjust’ Levy, Electricity, Water Outage

Ibadan Poly Students Protest Against ‘Unjust’ Levy, Electricity, Water Outage:Students of The Polytechnic Ibadan on Monday protested against the N500 Entrepreneurship Development Programme charge introduced by the polytechnic authorities, and the non-availability of electricity and water on the campus.The institution’s main gate was blocked by the protesting students while academic …

The Polytechnic Ibadan 2-Month Old Strike is Over – Lectures Begin

This is to inform all the students of The Polytechnic Ibadan that the lecturers of the institution under the umbrella of Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP), on Monday suspended its two-month old strike.The strike that started on December 30, 2013 over various demands which include proper funding, constitution of …