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List of Courses Offered by The Polytechnic Iresi

THEPOLYIRESI Courses — List of high-quality courses offered at The Polytechnic, Iresi, Osun State.

The Polytechnic Iresi Courses.

The Polytechnic Iresi formerly College of TechnologyIresi is a privately owned polytechnic located in Iresi, Osun State, South-West Nigeria. It was established in 2014. 

The Polytechnic, Iresi, Osun State has been officially accredited and/or recognized by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Nigeria.

SEE ALSO: List of Accredited Polytechnics in Nigeria.

The Polytechnic Iresi Courses

Below are the list of courses on offer at the The Polytechnic, Iresi, Osun State.

Courses Compulsory Specific course subjects from which to selectthree other credits
Accountancy English and Mathematics Economics, Government, Geography, Accounts, Business Methods, Statistics,Agriculture or Biology
Business Administration English and Mathematics Statistics, Accounts, Business Methods, Agriculture or Biology, Geography, Economics,Government
Computer Science English and Mathematics Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric Science,Applied Electricity, Statistics, Further Mathematics
Computer Engineering English and Mathematics Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric Science, Applied Electricity, Statistics, FurtherMathematics
Electronics/Electrical English andMathematics Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric Science,Applied Electricity, Technical Drawing
Science LaboratoryTechnology English andMathematics Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric Science,Statistics, Further Mathematics
Mass Communication English andMathematics  

RECOMMENDED: JAMB Brochure (check the requirements for each programme).

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