
Dr Abdul Kalam International Undergraduate Scholarship 2021

Global Health 50/50 is now accepting entries from photographers for the 2021 ‘This is Gender Photography Competition‘. The deadline for the submission of entries is 3rd January, 2021.

Global Health 50:50 This is Gender Photography Competition

Photographers are invited to share their vision of what gender looks like and to submit photographs that explore the diverse ways in which gender norms – rigid and fluid, traditional and progressive – are lived and subverted by men, women and non-binary people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has held a mirror up to society and revealed our relationship to our environments, each other and the systems in which we live. In turn, the pandemic has exposed existing social fractures and inequalities. As borders have closed and our gaze has turned inward, the pandemic has both exasperated pervasive and restrictive notions of gender roles and catalysed transformations in the gendered landscape. 

At this moment of global upheaval, lives and society at large are being impacted and changed in diverse and gendered ways. It’s now more important than ever to produce and distribute imagery that reflects the diverse realities of gender. We encourage photographers to contribute to expanding the imagery associated with the concept of gender by exploring, for example: 

We are particularly interested, but not exclusively, in works that contemplate these topics in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

All photographic and photojournalistic forms are welcome and photographers from low- and middle-income communities and countries are particularly encouraged to participate. Winners will be decided by a panel of international experts in photography, visual culture, gender and global health.

Global Health 50/50 This is Gender Photography Competition Eligibility

Global Health 50/50 This is Gender Photography Competition Prizes

How to Enter Global Health 50/50 This is Gender Photography Competition

Each contestant may submit no more than two images per submission (entrants can submit up to three times) accompanied by the following elements:

Submit Entry Official Link