
WE54Africa ‘What’s Your New Normal?’ Poster Challenge 2020

WE54Africa is now accepting submission from talented young African leaders for its 2020 ‘What’s Your New Normal?’ Poster Challenge. The deadline for the submission of entries for the WE54Africa Poster Challenge is 20th August, 2020.

WE54Africa Poster Challenge

WE54 is calling talented young African leaders such as yourself, to create lively, dynamic and locally-authentic posters that depict your new normal in the most creative and innovative way possible visually.

‘What’s Your New Normal?’ As the world around us continues to change rapidly due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we’re also having to equally adapt in our own diverse and unique ways. This project encourages you to be as creative, dynamic and authentic as possible, as you illustrate visually what your new normal looks like in your community and country. Additionally, they strongly encourage you to make use of your local languages and slang in the creation of the poster, where you can translate ‘What’s Your New Normal?’

WE54Africa Poster Challenge Eligibility.

WE54Africa Poster Challenge Benefits.

How to Apply for WE54Africa Poster Challenge. 

  1. Join the WE54 community to gain unlimited access to contribute towards ongoing projects and campaigns.
  2. Participate by submitting your poster design.

Official Link