ALAT/Wema Bank Hackaholics 2024 – Win N30M Prizes!

Are you ready to showcase your innovative tech idea at Africa’s most exciting startup competition? Do you have what it takes to pitch your way to N30M in prizes? Why not join the ALAT/Wema Bank Hackaholics 5.0 Pitch Competition 2024 and put your groundbreaking idea to the test? This is your chance to join a thriving community of disruptors and change-makers!

ALAT/Wema Bank Hackaholics 5.0

The ALAT/Wema Bank Hackaholics 5.0 Pitch Competition 2024 is now calling for entries! This competition is a lively platform tailored specifically for the youth, designed to support innovators and startup founders who are steering the future with their tech-driven or tech-enabled ideas. If you have a groundbreaking product or idea that could transform industries, this competition could be your launchpad.

Prizes Winner: N30M, 1st Runner-up: N20M, More prizes
Locations Across Nigeria & Africa: Lagos, Nairobi, Cairo, etc.
Target Entrepreneurs, Students, Professionals
Accessibility Open to all, no tech expertise required
️ Application Ongoing
Special Prize N10M for Women-led Teams
Sponsor Wema Bank/ALAT
Contact Visit Hackaholics official site for more info

Prizes at Stake

Competing in Hackaholics 5.0 not only gives you exposure and networking opportunities but also the chance to win substantial prizes:

  • Winner: N30M worth of prizes
  • First runner-up: N20M worth of prizes
  • Second runner-up: N15M worth of prizes
  • Special Prize for Women-led teams: N10M worth of prizes
  • University STEM Endowment: N15M worth of prizes

Who Can Apply?

Hackaholics is inclusive; it welcomes:

  • Young entrepreneurs bursting with innovative ideas.
  • Professionals looking to pivot or expand into tech-driven sectors.
  • Students from any discipline who believe they can create change.

Key Point: You don’t need to be a tech expert or a programmer to apply, and no specific academic degree is required.

Competition Venues

The 2024 edition of Hackaholics will be held across various pitch centres throughout Africa, enhancing accessibility for participants from:

  • South West Nigeria: Including institutions like Afe Babalola University, University of Ado-Ekiti, Babcock University, Yabatech, University of Ibadan, LASU, and FUTA.
  • South South Nigeria: Featuring UNIPORT.
  • South East Nigeria: Including IMT, Enugu, and UNEC.
  • Rest of Africa: Spanning countries like Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and Egypt.
  • Abuja: Hosted at Nile University, Abuja, and the University of Abuja.
  • Northern Nigeria: Including Bayero University Kano.

How to Apply

Ready to throw your hat in the ring? Registering for the competition is straightforward. Simply click here to register for the Hackaholics 5.0 Pitch Competition.

More Information and Deadline

For additional details about the competition and to keep up with updates, visit the Hackaholics official page. The application is ongoing, so it’s best to apply soon to secure your spot.

This is your moment to be part of Africa’s largest community of problem-solvers, visionaries, and innovators. Join the Hackaholics competition and be at the forefront of technological change, catalysed by the support and resources of one of Nigeria’s leading digital financial institutions. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to accelerate your venture and make a mark in the tech world!

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