
World Bank and Financial Times’ 2022 Blog Writing Competition

Entries are invited from 15 to 19 years old high school or secondary school students for the World Bank Group and the Financial Times’ blog/essay writing competition. The deadline for the submission of entries is 21 January 2022.

World Bank and Financial Times’ Blog Writing Competition

If you are 15 to 19 years old, currently enrolled in a high school or secondary school this is your chance to get creative. The World Bank and the Financial Times are looking for your most inventive ideas, high-quality writing, and solutions to improve education outcomes beyond the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our way of life, causing education systems to experience their worst crisis in a century. At the peak of school closures in April 2020, 94 per cent of students—or 1.6 billion children—were out of school worldwide. Around 700 million students today are still studying from home.

The pandemic is putting an entire generation of students at risk of losing about $10 trillion in future lifetime earnings. It has exacerbated the Learning Poverty crisis, and the impact on the human capital of this generation of learners will be long-lasting.

As we recover from COVID-19 this is an opportunity to create more equitable and resilient education systems around the world. More than 18 months into this crisis, we are learning what works and what we can do to improve learning outcomes, at home, in classrooms or a combination of both. As the global community works on identifying solutions, the World Bank and Financial Times want to hear from those most affected – young people. They want to hear from you! Tell them what you think by joining this blog competition.

You can do so by telling them:

“What insights from your experience during the COVID-19 pandemic do you think would improve learning? What should educators and policymakers do differently?”

World Bank and Financial Times’ Blog Writing Competition Eligibility

World Bank and Financial Times’ Blog Writing Competition Prizes

World Bank and Financial Times’ Blog Writing Competition Criteria

How to Submit Entries for World Bank and Financial Times’ Blog Writing Competition

Submissions should include:

Enter Here Official Link

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Olusegun Fapohunda

Meet The Author

This post is authored by , the founder and editor of MySchoolGist.

Boasting over a decade of expertise in the education sector, Olusegun offers current insights into educational trends, career opportunities, and the latest news.

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