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University of Calabar (UNICAL) Rebuts Fake Publication on Predegree Programme Resumption

University of Calabar (UNICAL) disclaimer on the pre-degree programme resumption date circulating on Social Media. The Directorate of Pre-Degree Programme, University of Calabar (UNICAL) has issued a disclaimer as regards the resumption date circulating online.UNICAL Pre-Degree Resumption Disclaimer NoticeThe attention of the Directorate of Pre-Degree Programme has been drawn to …

University of Calabar (UNICAL) Announces Sanitation Day

University of Calabar, UNICAL sanitation day: all non-teaching staff of the University are to report to duty with their cutlasses, hoes, buckets and brooms. It has been observed, after the resumption of duties by the non-teaching staff that most offices and their surroundings have been overtaken by weeds and other …

University of Calabar (UNICAL) 11th Vice-Chancellor Inauguration Date

University of Calabar, UNICAL 11th Vice-Chancellor official inauguration date has been announced. At the instance of the Governing Council of the University of Calabar, this is to formally inform the University of calabar community, Academia, Unions on Campus, Captain of industries, Press, Royal Fathers, Service Commanders, Gentlemen of the Clergy, …

University of Calabar (UNICAL) Pre-Degree to Degree (100 L) Admission List for 2019/2020 Academic Session

University of Calabar, UNICAL pre-degree to Degree (100 Level) admission list for the 2019/2020 academic session is out. This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the University of Calabar (UNICAL) 2018/2019 academic session pre-degree programme that they can now check whether they have been offered provisional admission …

Check UNICAL Pre-Degree Admission List Here 2019/2020

University of Calabar, UNICAL pre-degree admission list for the 2019/2020 academic session is out and now available online. This is to inform all the candidates that applied for the University of Calabar (UNICAL) 2019/2020 academic session pre-degree (CES) programme that the management of the institution has released the names of …

UNICAL Management Insists on Payment of School Charges as Precondition for Taking Part in the Second Semester Examinations

University of Calabar, UNICAL management has insisted on payment of relevant School Charges and dues by students as precondition for taking part in the Second Semester Examinations.Addressing a group of Final year students who identified themselves as from the Faculty of Management Science, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Prof Uche …